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4th Annual General Meeting

16 Dec 2022

4th AGM of MD Bank was successfully held on 16th December, 2022 at MD Bank Head office. BOD/BOC members, shareholders, Commissioner team and Management Committee Members attended this meeting.

After the opening speech by U Yone Mu, Patron of MD Bank and the Board of Directors’ report and financial reports were presented. BOD members clarified and answered the questions addressed in advance from shareholders and suggestions and questions from shareholders who attended the meeting.

After that, the election of directors and the reformation of the bank were approved, and 4th AGM was successfully held by U Yone Mu, Patron of MD Bank giving a closing speech.

On January 20, 2016, MD Bank got a company license as a limited company connected to MD Bank with the business registration number (3246/ 2015-2016) (Raka) from the Companies Registration Office. On November 15, 2018, we got a business license from the Central Bank of Myanmar and began commercial banking.

We continue to open branches in key economically important cities across Myanmar for the convenience of our clients who utilize our banking services. MD Bank has already started to extend its Digital Banking infrastructure. We want an increasing proportion of our customers to connect with us online. We’re reimaging banking by improving our products and services and forecasting how our customers will bank in the future. MD Bank sincerely hopes to provide the best in user-friendly digital experience and technology and cultivate secure communication with the customer.

Each and every day, we engage in effort to further the financial growth of our customers by making decisions that are in their best interests.

We have the resources and know-how to assist our customers in achieving their goals, whether they are investing in a dream property, developing a business, or making the switch to a greener business model.


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